Lõõgastav Eukalüpti Tee 25×2,0g

Parim enne: 02.10.2026


Eukalüpti on oma omaduste poolest tuntud ja hinnatud juba sajandeid. Taimes sisalduvad eeterlikud õlid oma bakteritsiidse toime tõttu mõjutavad hingamisteede tervist ja on antiseptiliste omadustega.

Tee on rikastatud kurguärritusi leevendava tüümiani ning vaarikate ja leedrimarjade viljadega.

Kasutamine: valage 1 teepakk klaasi keeva veega ja laske kaanega tõmmata umbes 10-15 minutit. Joo kaks korda päevas. Hoida kuivas kohas.

Koostis: 50% eukalüptileht, vaarikas, leeder, tüümiani ürt, Spiraea ürt

3 laos



Eucalyptus has been known and appreciated for its properties for centuries. The essential oils contained in the plant, due to their bactericidal properties, affect the health of the respiratory system and have antiseptic properties.

The tea is enriched with thyme, which soothes throat irritations, and the fruits of raspberries and elderberries.

How to use: Pour 1 tea bag with a glass of boiling water and leave it, covered, to infuse for about 10-15 minutes. Drink twice a day. Store in a dry place.

Ingredients: 50% eucalyptus leaf, raspberry, elderberry, thyme herb, Spiraea herb