Depressioonivastane Ürditee 50g


Segu soovitatakse depressiooni, kaotatud elutahte, mure- ja vähese keskendumisvõime korral.

Segu aitab parandada meeleolu, taastab elutähtsat energiat, reguleerib und ja emotsionaalset seisundit. Segus sisalduv naistepuna on juba ammu tuntud kui looduslik antidepressant. See aitab suurendada õnnehormooni  serotoniini  tootmist ja selle rikkalik koostis tugevdab kogu keha. Jasmiin ja pajuhein värskendavad, leevendavad väsimust ja depressioonitunnet ning aitavad taastada uudishimu maailma vastu. Sidrunmeliss, emalill ja kummel toetavad südame nõuetekohast toimimist. Magus ristik, vaarikas ja harilik saialill mõjuvad positiivselt kogu organismi tugevdamisele.

Valmistamine: 2 supilusikatäit segu valatakse 500 ml keeva veega, kaetakse ja lastakse tõmmata 30 minutit. Joo 50-70 ml iga kolme tunni järel 5-6 korda päevas. Hoidke toodet kuivas ja jahedas ruumis.

2 laos



Koostis: Naistepuna (Hypericum perforatum), jasmiin (Philadelphus), sidrunmeliss (Melissa), vesite südamerohi (Leonurus), pajuhein (Epilobium angustifolium), Melilotus officinalis, vaarikas (Rubus idaeus), harilik kummel (Matricaria chamomilla), harilik majoraan (Origanum vulgare)

Tootja: India Cosmetica and Food Distributon Poland Sp Z.o.o, Poola

The mixture is recommended  especially in the case of depression, lost will to live, a sense of worry and low concentration.


The mixture  helps to improve mood , restores vital energy, regulates sleep and emotional state . St. John’s Wort, which is included in the blend, has long been known as a natural anti-depressant. It helps to increase the production of the happiness hormone – serotonin, and its rich composition strengthens the entire body. Jasmine and willowwort refresh, relieve fatigue and the feeling of depression, and help restore curiosity about the world. Lemon balm, motherwort and chamomile support the proper functioning of the heart. Sweet clover, raspberry and common marigold have a positive effect on the strengthening of the whole organism.


  • St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  • jasmine (Philadelphus)
  • lemon balm (Melissa)
  • motherwort (Leonurus)
  • willowwort kiprzyca (Epilobium angustifolium)
  • Melilotus officinalis
  • raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
  • common chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
  • common marjoram (Origanum vulgare)

Preparation (brewing) : two tablespoons of the mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover and brew for 30 minutes. Drink 50-70 ml every three hours, 5-6 times a day. Store the product in a dry and cool room.

Polesie  is a rich world of plants and animals. More than 100 species of medicinal plants grow in forests and meadows . A respected herbalist and beekeeper, Oleksandr , collects Polesian herbs by himself and, based on recipes passed down from generation to generation, prepares herbal mixtures ensuring comprehensive protection of human health.

Koostis: Naistepuna (Hypericum perforatum)jasmiin (Philadelphus)sidrunmeliss (Melissa)emalill (Leonurus)pajuhein (Epilobium angustifolium)Melilotus officinalisvaarikas (Rubus idaeus)harilik kummel (Matricaria chamomilla)harilik majoraan (Origanum vulgare)