
Diabeedivastane Ürditee 50g

Parim enne: 31.12.2024

Original price was: 5.90€.Current price is: 3.00€.

Segu soovitatakse eriti II tüüpi diabeedi korral. Insuliini sekretsiooni häirete, veresuhkru tõusu ja ainevahetushäirete korral tuleks kasutada spetsiaalselt valitud taimede segu. Tänu taimehormoonide ja insuliinile sarnaste kemikaalide sisaldusele mustikates ja nõgeses aitab tee alandada veresuhkru taset. Linnurohi, kreeka pähkli lehed ja sigur toetavad ainevahetust, küllastavad keha mikroelementide ja muude vajalike kemikaalidega. Pajuhein, valge sirel, leedriõis ja saialill mõjuvad positiivselt kogu organismi tugevdamisele.

Valmistamine: kaks supilusikatäit segu valatakse 500 ml keeva veega, kaetakse ja lastakse tõmmata 30 minutit. Joo 50-70 ml iga kolme tunni järel 5-6 korda päevas. Hoidke toodet kuivas ja jahedas ruumis.


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Koostis: sigur (Cichorium intybus), leedripuu õied (Sambucus nigra), kreeka pähkli lehed (Juglans regia), tagetes (Tagetes), mustika lehed (Vaccinium),valge sirel (Lamiumi album), linnurohi (Polygonum aviculare),harilik nõges (Urtica dioica),pajuhein (Epilobium angustifolium).

Tootja: India Cosmetics and Food Distribution Poland Sp. z.o.o, Poola


  • chicory traveler (Cichorium intybus),
  • elderberry flower (Sambucus nigra),
  • walnut leaves (Juglans regia),
  • tagetes (Tagetes),
  • blueberry leaves (Vaccinium),
  • white light (Lamium album),
  • knotweed (Polygonum aviculare),
  • common nettle (Urtica dioica),
  • kiprzyca willow leaves (Epilobium angustifolium).

The mixture is recommended especially for type 2 diabetes. An infusion of specially selected herbs should be used in the case of insulin secretion disorders, an increase in blood sugar and problems with metabolism. Thanks to the content of plant hormones and chemicals similar to insulin in blueberries and nettle, the tea helps to lower blood sugar levels. Bird knotweed, walnut and chicory support the metabolism, saturate the body with microelements and other necessary chemicals. Kiprzyca willow leaves, white lilac, elderflower and marigold have a positive effect on the strengthening of the whole organism.

Preparation (brewing): two tablespoons of the mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover and brew for 30 minutes. Drink 50-70 ml every three hours, 5-6 times a day. Store the product in a dry and cool room.