Daamide Tee 25x2g BIO


Maitsev ürdi- ja lilletee, mis on valmistatud naistele mõeldes. Emarohi, raudrohi ja sirel rahustavad menstruatsiooniga kaasnevaid sümptomeid, kirburohi toetab kuseteede tervist, ristik toetab vereringet ja kõrvaldab menopausi sümptomid nagu kuumahood ja ärrituvus.

Koostisosad: laukapuu vili* 20%, madar*, raudrohi*, emajuur*, kirburohi/linnurohi*, sirel*, jahubanaanileht*, ristiku õis*, malva*, saialille kroonlehed* (erinevates vahekordades). *mahepõllumajanduse toode

Kasutamine: vala üks kotike klaasi keeva veega ja jäta kaane all umbes 10-15 minutiks tõmbama. Joo 1-2 korda päevas.


4 laos



ECO tea for ladies

A tasty, herbal and floral tea composed with women in mind. Motherwort, yarrow and lilac soothe symptoms associated with menstruation, knotweed supports the health of the urinary tract, clover supports the circulatory system and eliminates the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and irritability.

Ingredients: sloe fruit* 20%, goose cinquefoil*, motherwort*, yarrow*, gentian knotweed*, lilac*, plantain leaf*, clover flower*, mallow*, marigold petals* (in various proportions). *product of organic farming

How to use: pour one sachet with a glass of boiling water and leave covered to infuse for about 10-15 minutes. Drink 1-2 times a day.